How Can a Lawyer Help Me With Artificial Reproduction?

A Video FAQ with Mary E. Vandenack.

The technical term is assisted reproduction, at least from a legal perspective, and a lawyer can help in a variety of ways. One thing that is really important is that each state’s laws vary on different aspects of  the assisted reproduction process.  You need to understand the state law and the state you are working in. Those laws affect such things as who the parents are. You also need to consider updating your wills and trusts to identify who your heirs are. So you might have a grandparent and one of their grandchildren is the child of assisted reproduction and you need to make decisions about including or excluding, exactly what you mean, when you refer to children and grandchildren in your trust and will documents.

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What Are the Important Laws Related to Artificial Reproduction?

A Video FAQ with Mary E. Vandenack.

There are a variety of laws that relate to what is actually called assisted reproduction. Most states have some version of a Uniform Parentage Act or some type of law like that. What those laws do is to specify who the father is in the case of a sperm donor and other similar issues. There are also surrogacy laws that define whether surrogacy is permitted, whether it can be paid for, and what type of things you can do in contracts. If you enter into any type of contract related to assisted reproduction, there are a variety of things to consider and each state’s laws govern those aspects.

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